Creatures and plants
The creatures and plants that live in Palmetrix depend on the ecosystem they are on. Creatures live on their own section. They cannot cross to another biome because there is an invisible portal within each biome that does not allow animals to pass to another biome. The Palmetricians created this because before, the animals went to other biomes and they died because of the climate change and the lack of their resources. There was a huge animal population drop, so the Palmetricians were smart, and they put an invisible portal. Then, the population grew back to normal. The most popular animal in the mountain biome is the deer. In the aquatic biome, it is the octopus. In the grassland biome it is the cow. In the rainforest biome it is the macaw. These creatures represent their biome.
Plants play an important role in Palmetrix’s society. People us plant to decorate. Also, plants form about 1/3 of Palmetrix’s land. The tropical rainforest biome is all covered with plants. Trees, bushes, flowers, are examples of plants that live in Palmetrix. There are a lot of plant species in each biome. Plants adapt to the biome’s climate. If the climate is wet, like the rainforest, the plants adapt to receive great amounts of water and not die. Another example is the plants located in the mountain biome. They are adapted to maintain the cold and not die. The mayor plant in aquatic biome is obviously the palm tree. In the mountain biome is the pine tree. In the tropical biome it is the orchid. Finally, in the grassland biome the mayor plant is the sunflower.