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Economy and trade

            The type of economy in Palmetrix is a mixed economy. Before, while Maximus Gongo was Palmetrix’s leader, Palmetrix had a command economy. Gongo made a disaster with Palmetrix’s economy. He made as many bad decisions as you could imagine. He was a very bad leader. He was not even a leader. He was just a random person from the 56 prisoners, he was the only one that wanted to lead Palmetrix, and so he had the job instantly. After he died, the other leaders had a very hard time on recovering Palmetrix’s economy. After these leaders, came one leader Carlos Haguinus. He was the one that decided that Palmetrix would be better with a mixed economy. In a mixed economy, the government has a little bit of control, but the rest of the control is on the citizens. This was a better decision because Carlos Hanguinus was part of the “The Citizens Have Voice” program.

            Palmetrix is now friend with our neighbor planet, Wakatronix. Wakatronix trades with us. They make a lot of materials referred to technology. We make materials that are needed, like food and clothe. We give them our surpluses and they give us their surpluses. The food and clothe, we trade. But we have some natural resources that are very valuable and cannot be traded. They have to be sold. These natural resources are coal and oil. We are very rich on these resources. We have to sell them at a high price because this is the only thing that we trade.

Valeria Centeno 2017

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