The religion in Palmetrix is named Usmacapey. Most of the people believe in our main god, named Usma. The religion says that Usma wrote a book for the Palmetricians. This book said the good and the bad acts that people should or shouldn’t do. The book has 1000 pages, and it was written with a vocabulary that everyone could understand. There is no symbolism used in Usmacapey. This means that there are no pictures of Usma or any related to the religion, everyone has to imagine a different picture in their minds. Usmacapey allows people from all around Palmetrix to marry each other, but there is only one rule. You have to live with the person you marry. The religion of Usmacapey allows parents to have maximum five children. This helps control the population of Palmetrix.
When a person becomes 16 they are considered to be legal and free from their parents. This religion also states that people cannot eat any type of sweets on Monday. If a person does this, they are disrespecting their religion. It is believed that when a person dies, they go to the sky’s west. This is believed because the sun ends its day on the west. Their family members have to pray for the person for consecutive 5 days, for them to go to the west. Not everyone has to believe in Usmacapey. It is the only religion allowed to be followed. This means that a person either follows to be an Usmacapey or does not follow anything.