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            The language spoken in Palmetrix is not very complex. It is pretty easy to learn and to speak it. The language id basic American English and what you have to do is to just add the prefix –jey to every word. This is what a conversation might sound like.

-“Jeyhello”= hello

-“jeyhow jeyare jeyyou?” = how are you?

The grammar is almost the same as the English language. Some of the changes are that instead of putting a capital letter on proper nouns, you have to put a lower case letter on the first letter and then the rest of the letters are upper case. An example would be: i was born in fRANCE. Another important rule is that periods do not exist. People read, talk, and write without stopping. It may sound confusing but it is very easy.

              This language came from Wakatronix, Palmetrix’s neighbor planet. Their people speak formal English. When the prisoners, our ancestors, came from Wakatronix, they changed a little bit the language to make it unique. They new the rules of the American English because, one of the 56 prisoners was from a planet that spoke American English. He taught all of them the basic rules. All they did was change it a little bit to make it be Palmetrix’s official language. The language does not have an official name. People just say Palmetrix’s language. So now you learned the basics of Palmetrix’s language and you can speak or write it with your friends so no one else understand. This was a brief explanation of the origin and the basic rules of Palmetrix’s language.

Valeria Centeno 2017

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